Coffee & Tea Academy & Association of Hong Kong & P.R.China


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 地緣政治---中國人應該有自信  航機機艙水樣本超標的調查進展


海納百川 ; 通過咖啡 ; 茶產業建立一個世界級的產業橋樑和平台,與地緣政治經濟戰略的匹配;以加強中國國家綜合實力。和以用一帶一路地緣政治經濟戰略, 覆蓋在世界各地所有的市場份額。




咖啡是石油行業的巨大產業之後的第二大經濟體,但咖啡和茶, 可以影響和衝擊到整個世界的與中國國家綜合實力地緣政治經濟 ; 政治和經濟方面出現的問題。

香港及中國的咖啡和茶學院致力於研究的問題和情況,在咖啡界,特別是在大中國市場的結構,潛力和國際競爭環境和發展的中國國家綜合實力地緣政治經濟的考證與分析 ; 為軟力量 ; 助力中國爭取更多綜合國力的目標進行研究分析。

香港及中國的咖啡和茶學院一直致力於與全球合作夥伴共同努力,做一個介紹對全球咖啡業聯合國。推動教育和咖啡認證制度的研究,更重要的是建立​公正的認證制度,以避免被某些誤導性的權力所控制的這種制度 ; 誤導公眾 ; 為其自己的壟斷計劃的那些所謂認證制度,即那些所謂的認證機構 ; 沒有第三方官方權力證明他們自己是所謂認證機構的官方地位誤導公眾; 混水摸魚斂財 !。做一個介紹對全球咖啡業聯合國。

Missions: Be Tolerant to Diversity with Peace of Mind to Build a World-Class Industry Bridge and Platform to all people around the world.


The Coffee & Tea Academy of Hong Kong & China (HKCCTA) is the main non-governmental organization as well as a subsidiary of ​​3-D AGE Academy ( 3 Dimensional Agro-Geopolitical Economic Academy for establish educational platform & system for building new generation for coffee industry to perform in professional & capable manner, bringing together exporting and importing players, coffee farmers & professional icons to tackle the challenges facing the world coffee sector through international cooperation.


Our mission is to strengthen the global coffee sector and promote its sustainable expansion in a market-based environment for the betterment of all participants in the coffee sector. It makes a practical contribution to the development of a sustainable world coffee sector and to reducing poverty in developing countries.


Coffee is the second largest economy after the huge industry of the petroleum industry, but the problems arisen from the political and economic aspects of COFFEE & TEA can influence and impact to the whole world.


The Coffee & Tea Academy of Hong Kong & China is committed to study the problems and situations in the coffee community, particularly on the structure of the Greater China market, and its review of potential and international competitive environment and geopolitics of the development .


The Coffee & Tea Academy of Hong Kong & China has been working in joint efforts with global partners to promote education and the study of coffee certification system, and more importantly making a presentation to the United Nations about the global coffee industry.


Most Asian and even European and American parties have a common misunderstanding that the coffee culture and history was begun in Europe, and all the technologies and standards are developed and evolved from the European countries and America. However, the historical documents of coffee can be found from the Middle East and East Africa, and most of the Muslim countries. Thus, coffee is in fact the historical culture and property of Muslim countries starting from millennium of years.


After the Ottoman Empire and the Crusades covered the whole of Europe with years of war, and during the time when the Catholic Church Pope began to drink the first cup of coffee, coffee was introduced to Orthodox, Christian, and Catholic community until today.


The Coffee & Tea Academy of Hong Kong & China is aiming to look into the Global Strategy of the coffee & tea development, and then gradually build up our own coffee industry standards, systems, indicators and certification systems, and ease the controversial coffee politics, and stop the improper acts of some unqualified coffee experts due to their own business benefits, so as to promote the healthy development of the standard and certification systems, and fair trade for the coffee & tea industry.


The Coffee & Tea Academy of Hong Kong & China aims to promote the coffee and tea industry as its mission to protect Chinese interests in the Greater China market, and nurture future generation and successors to create and complete a new chapter of coffee culture in the history.

Coffee & Tea are the keys of ours Life!!!
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